英語小百科 – The best of both worlds

/英語小百科 – The best of both worlds

常言道:「魚與熊掌,不可兼得。」然而,人總是貪心的。我們有很多時候,就是希望不必取捨,魚與熊掌,盡收己用,這也許是我們的DNA作祟吧!老外也是一樣,所以他們有”the best of both worlds”的說法。

“The best of both worlds”這句片語,意思就是可以兩全其美。例如說某藝人既受歡迎,又沒有誹聞,難得地做到了兩全其美

Example :”The actor get her faces in all the magazines without any speck of scandal, she is enjoying the best of both worlds.”

又例如說:「我們的旅程既能享受陽光與海灘,又可看到城市風光,的確是兩全其美。」 “Our vacation planning includes both city and the beach, we will enjoy the best of both worlds.”

不過天意難測,某些人總是『時來風送滕王閣』,經常可以兩全其美,”enjoying the best of both worlds”,可能是因為他們經常行善積福吧!

By | 2020-06-06T16:01:51+08:00 February 27th, 2019|Comments Off on 英語小百科 – The best of both worlds

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